Jeanie Neal & Shelby Schultz Fall Lesson Updates
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Lesson Structure in the time of COVID-19
Instructional Lessons: Instructional lessons will all be private. Each swimmer has been assigned a time slot. View the lesson page to see the updated schedule: Jeanie Neal Fall Lessons & Shelby Schultz Fall Lessons. Parents, please use the distancing markers posted on the wall to find a seat. Have your child at the pool edge for the start of the lesson.
Developmental Lessons: Developmental lessons will be conducted in groups of six using one lane. Swimmers should be directed to wait for their coach at the diving board, with their caps and goggles already on, at the start of the lesson.
Voyagers: Voyager lessons will be conducted in groups of ten using five lanes. Swimmers should be directed to meet Coach Neal at the diving board, with their caps and goggles already on, at the start of the lesson.
Please remind your swimmers to keep their distance from one another while on deck
If pool space is available, swimmers who can swim a minimum of 15’ independently will be allowed to practice and play after the lesson.. Practice and play is not allowed before lessons.
Jeanie Neal’s fall payment link has been activated on the session page.
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See you soon!